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在过去的一个月中, IBI Group has been running an Instagram contest with the hashtag # IBIHappyCities. 根据快乐街道实验室的说法, things that have been proven to boost wellbeing (and happiness) in urban environments are greenery, 街道上的树木, 改建社区空间, 具有活动立面的街道, 和颜色. IBI的工作人员被要求这样做...

通过TH!NK by IBI



在过去的一个月中, IBI Group has been running an Instagram contest with the hashtag # IBIHappyCities. 根据 快乐的街道 实验室, things that have been proven to boost wellbeing (and happiness) in urban environments are greenery, 街道上的树木, 改建社区空间, 具有活动立面的街道, 和颜色. IBI的工作人员被要求这样做 photograph these spaces in their own cities and let us know what the happiest place in their neighbourhood looks like. We received hundreds of posts with everything from parks to playgrounds to public art. We’ve been sharing posts on our Instagram and wanted to highlight some of our favourite “happy places” here as well! 点击以下链接查看更多精彩内容 @IBIGroup 在Instagram.

我也爱你. As a friend said: Toronto is a city that loves you back #ibihappycities #boardwalktoronto #toronto #publicart

A post shared by Ana-Francisca de la Mora (@afdelamora) on

For more about Happy Cities and 快乐的街道, check out the work of 快乐之城.


图片由 约翰Mouchet on Unsplash


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